Some EV parts have arrived:
- The Instruction booklet arrived in September
- 10/8: Impulse 9 motor from Warfield Electric Company
- 10/13: The Curtis 1231C controller
- Today: High Voltage cable (45 ft.)
The weather here in Virginia has been great for riding in a convertible, but for the last couple of weeks the Cabriolet has been just sitting idle. My wife noticed a large puddle under it one day and on further investigation it appears to leaking around the shaft on the water pump. It's probably
too much for a "Stop Leak" repair, so I'll take it as the "Drain coolant" step is already completed for the ICE removal. Well maybe not completely. I want to warm the engine up at least one more time so I can get a good compression test and have those numbers available to a prospective ICE buyer.