Monday, July 13, 2009

Done Struttin'

All the struts, shocks and springs are installed. I had to redo the front ones three times. The first time, I forgot to install the little spacers between the bearing plate and the retaining nut. Doh.. The second time I used the original spacers but they turned out be so worn that the brand new bearing plates wouldn't turn without resistance. The third time I installed new spacers and all was well..

My fuel tank arrived.. 16 Interstate U2300 batteries (242Ah 6V ).. They are about 64 lbs each. The black one is the 12V auxiliary battery that will power the 12V electrical system on the car, with help from a DC/DC converter.

1 comment:

Electricfly said...

Lance Said "My fuel tank arrived.. 16 Interstate U2300 batteries (242Ah 6V ).. They are about 64 lbs each." Hey lance - that is quite interesting - 1,024 lbs of Lead in a little VW! First off - all Lead Acid Batteries (PbA's) are rated at a 20 Hour load time - which means that this battery is rated to deliver 242 Ah over a 20 hour period, that is - at a load of 12.1 Amps. In An Electric Car, I suspect yours, like mine, will draw many times that 12.1 Amps - which means two things - less total vailable power, and shorter cycle life compared to the specs.

When you consider the real performance of a PbA Battery in an EV - they are more Expensive than the ThunderSky Cells, and offer poorer performance.

Compare the Motors Electrical Needs with the Controllers Ability to deliver that, with the Desired Batteries actual ability to deliver - and you will see, what you need to compare is the 1 hour rating of the cell or battery!

For Example -Surrette (Rolls Battery in the USA) is one of the few sources of table data at higher rates, and their (rated)275 Ah 12V Battery, delivers just 99 Ah at a load of 99 amps, which I suspect will be less current than you need in accelerating, or steady state highway driving. Also - it weighs in at 172 lbs. In addition - there are no tables that show voltage sag for PbA's at a given current load, that I have found.